When You Know It’s Time To Replace A Mattress

How Do I Know When It's Time To Replace A Mattress?

Whether your mattress is brand new or older than you, it should be comfortable, supportive, and in good condition for the best sleep possible. But how long is a mattress supposed to last? Soft materials like memory foam tend to wear out long before steel springs, so it's not as simple as buying a new mattress as soon as the old one's warranty is up. To make matters even more complicated, sometimes even a brand new mattress can silently sabotage your sleep if it's not the right fit for your particular sleeping position, body weight, or preferences.

If you're not sure whether it's time to replace your mattress, here are a few questions to consider:

How Long Should I Expect A Mattress To Last?

One of the most important things to think about when you're looking at buying a new mattress is the age of your current one. Some mattresses come with a manufacturer's warranty of up to 20 years, but many are shocked to find out that even the best mattresses in the world simply can't stay comfortable for that long.

The average mattress should last 5-7 years, with some lasting up to 10 years or as few as 3 depending on their materials and how well you take care of them. A good rule of thumb is that you should replace your mattress a minimum of once every 8 years.

What Are Some Signs That A Mattress Needs Replacing?

The easiest way to tell whether you need a new mattress or not is to take a careful look at the condition of your current one. If your mattress fails to pass the test, it's time to replace it. A mattress in good condition won't have any obvious lumps, tears, stains, or sloping. It should support your body evenly all around without any pressure points.

Some wear and tear is normal over time, but if you find yourself sinking into the deepest groove in your mattress throughout the night, it's probably time for a new one. The edges and surface of your bed should be even all around, aside from a 1.5 inch depression in your sleeping spot, which is a normal result of the padded materials conforming to your body over time. You should never feel like you're sagging into the mattress when you lie down.

Above all else, your mattress should be comfortable to lie down on, even without layers of bedding and pillows on top. If you find yourself gravitating toward a different bedroom at night or even the couch, it's definitely time for a new mattress. Your back will thank you!

Why Is It So Important To Replace An Aging Mattress?

A great night's sleep is essential to your overall health. In fact, a high-quality mattress just might be one of the most important tools you have to ward off serious health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and depression.

Sleeping on an old, worn out mattress can lead to back pain, insomnia, and even make allergy and asthma symptoms worse. If you've noticed a drop in the quality of your sleep over time, find yourself getting sick more often, or have started waking up in pain, you might want to consider whether your current mattress is causing more harm than good.

Studies have shown that sleeping on a new bedding system can reduce back pain, increase the quality of your sleep, and reduce stress during the day. An old mattress, on the other hand, can have a serious negative impact on your health. So if you're in doubt, replace your mattress. That way, you can rest easy knowing you're getting the support you need through the night!
